Let's Encrypt

  • 256 Bit Encryption
  • Issued in Minutes
  • For Personal Sites
  • No Warranty
  • No Seal
  • 99.9% Browser Support


  • 256 Bit Encrypton
  • Issued in Minutes
  • For Personal Sites
  • $10,000 Warranty
  • True Site Seal
  • 99.9% Browser Support

QuickSSL Premium

  • 256 Bit Encryption
  • Issued in Minutes
  • For Small Business
  • $500,000 Warranty
  • Trust Site Seal
  • 99.9% Browser Support

True Business ID

  • 256 Bit Encryption
  • Issued in 1-3 Days
  • For Business
  • $1,250,000 Warranty
  • Trust Site Seal
  • 99.9% Browser Support

True Business EV

  • 256 Bit Encryption
  • Issued in 1-5 Days
  • For Ecommerce
  • $1,500,000 Warranty
  • Trust Site Seal
  • 99.9% Browser Support

Wildcard certificates also available for *.yourdomainname. View wildcard certificate plans and pricing here.



Allow users to browse your site securely, removing “not secure” warnings, and show a closed padlock in the browser bar instead of an open padlock or, worse, your page blocked.


With a TrueBusinessID Extended Validation (EV) certificate, your company name is green in the address bar, instantly letting your customers know your site is legitimate.


QuickSSL Premium, TrueBusinessID, and TrueBusinessID EV certificates include a dynamic seal. If you want to build trust, you’ll want a seal displayed on your website.


SSL stands for secure socket layer.  It’s a way to encrypt data. What we commonly refer to today as SSL is actually a newer version of SSL which is called TLS (transport layer security).

It is a certificate used to encrypt initial communication between a website and a web browser. During this initial communication the website and browser will transmit a new temporary certificate to encrypt the communication for the duration of your session.

A CSR or certificate signing request is a request created as part of getting a SSL Cert. It is needed for ordering a certificate and can be generated through control panels, on web servers, or in our store.

A CA is a certificate authority that issues digital certificates like an SSL Certificate.

The “not secure” warning let’s users know your web site doesn’t use a SSL Certificate and any data you send to the site isn’t encrypted.  It’s especially important to use encryption when entering passwords, credit cards, and personal information or anything you want to keep private. The solution to remove this warning is to purchase and install a SSL Cert.

An EV SSL certificate includes additional validation or your organization before a certificate can be issued. Due to this additional verification you also get a green bar which on most browsers will display as your company name in green before the web address in the address bar.  This helps to build instant recognition and trust.

A wildcard SSL certificate is a single cert that will secure the domain and any subdomains for that domain name.

It covers situations where GeoTrust made a mistake in issuing the certificate that caused damages.

  • Domain Validated – Your authority to purchase a certificate for your website will be checked by emailing an email address on the domain registration or one of a couple standard email addresses.  This protects you from having someone else try and order a certificate for your domain.
  • Organization Validated – This will include domain validation.  Additionally they will check other sources to confirm your identity and address.  Because of this it takes up to three days to issue a certificate.

You can either renew the certificate in the customer control panel or you can purchase a new certificate.

If you are changing the certificate type you will need to order a new certificate.

It used to be possible to buy certificates that were valid for three years. An organization called the CA/Browser Forum includes members of the certificate authorities and they voted to no longer provide certificates that would be valid for 3 years.  Due to this you won’t be able to buy a trusted certificate that is valid for three years or more. This was due to security concerns with having certificates valid for many years.  You can read more about this here and

Established in 1994, InfoQuest has the experience and get it done attitude you need in your corner. Not only do we provide GeoTrust SSL certificates that cover a range of website scenarios, but we will also help with installation and renewal. SSL Certificates are important to your website ranking and security. Experience does matter. Trust the experts at InfoQuest to be here when you need us.